Gaseous planets like Jupiter or Saturn, which form much farther away, on the cold side of whats called the ice line, are thought to be more common. 而像木星或土星这样的远距离气态行星则在普通不过,它们冰冷的一面就是所谓的冰原带。
Costa Ricans will often have a bit of avocado, fried ripe plantain or cold meat on the side. 哥斯达黎加人会在一旁配一些鳄梨,油炸成熟的车前草或冻肉。
Then the cold side of the final wash. 然后在最后洗冷的一面。
Happy lost in your hair and the cold side of the pillow. 幸福失去你的头发和冷战一侧的枕头。
The test results show that refrigerating output and COP increase with the voltage of the fan at cold side, while the consumed electricity almost keeps constant. 冷端传热强化后,冷藏箱的耗电量几乎不变,制冷量和制冷系数增加,制冷温度及热端、冷端温度差降低,制冷性能上升。
Thermodynamic computation of the cold side of solar powered membrane distillation by programming with VB VB程序实现太阳能膜蒸馏冷端热力计算
This is particularly important in the columns in the cold side of the plant because frequent changes had been made to feed rate, feed-composition, product values and utility costs. 由于进料量、进料成分、产品价值以及公用物料频繁地发生了变化,因此,在装置冷侧的塔中进行这种变化尤为重要。
The oldest living thing is also a tree& a scrubby bristle-cone pine, 4,900 years old, growing on the cold, bare side of a Nevada mountain. 最古老的生物也是树:一株低矮的狐尾松树,4900岁,生长在美国内华达州的寒冷荒凉的山坡上。
She felt a blast of cold hit the left side of her body. 她感到一股寒意袭在她身体的左侧。
The boundary on the cold air side is often What does the word ill-defined mean in English?, especially near the surface. 冷空气一侧的边界常常十分模糊,特别是在地表附近。语言模糊性指语词所指范围的边界不确定的属性。
The heat transferring from the hot side to the cold side is the main cause of energy losses. 热能从暖的一面流向冷的一面,构成能量损失的主要因素。
The condensed water separated from the air-conditioning system of an airplane is sprayed in the cold side of the radiator, and the heat transfer and the state change of water in the process of its spraying to the ram air are analyzed. 将飞机空调系统中水分离器分离出的游离水喷到散热器的冷边,并对水喷到冲压空气中的状态变化过程和传热过程进行分析和计算。
The clockwise circulation away from the SWF in the cold side may be blocked in the leeside whose blocking will be increased when the orography height increasing. 对于冷域中远离地面暖锋的另一支正环流系来说,当暖锋位于地形上游或迎风坡时,它可被地形完全阻塞于背风侧,地形高度越高,地形阻塞作用越大。
The influence of the degree of vacuum of the cold side on vacuum membrane distillation process 冷侧真空度对减压膜蒸馏过程影响的研究
In addition, according to the evaporation mechanism, two methods of the equivalent temperature dropping and the constant temperature evaporating are used to deal with the effect of water sprayed on the cold side of primary heat exchanger. 此外,应用焓参数匹配的基本思想和水蒸发的物理机理,提出了当量温降法与等温蒸发法处理初级热交换器冷边的喷水效应。
Optimization of Turbine Cold Side in Nuclear Power Station 核电站汽轮机冷端优化
And the rate of the radiator can be improved about 2% when the flux ratio between the cold side and the hot side is less, thus improving the cooling capacity of the air-conditioning system. 在散热器冷边流量与热边流量之比较小时,可将散热器的效率提高2%左右。
With Microporous hollow-fibre membrane PVDF, vacuum membrane distillation ( VMD) has been studied in distilled water. This paper investigates the effects of hot-side temperature, cold side vacuum degree, and the flow rate of the liquid on permeation flux. 采用疏水性聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)膜,在蒸馏水体系中进行减压膜蒸馏实验研究,考察了进料温度、料液流量、冷侧真空度对聚偏氟乙烯膜渗透通量的影响;
He sees the other side of nature& the black and cold side. 但是,诗人也看到了大自然黑暗冷酷的一面。
Cold Side Temperature Compensation Method of Data Acquisition System 数据采集系统温度测量的冷端温度修正方法
Because of the heat transfer from the hot side ( mainly turbine) to the cold side ( mainly compressor), many side-effects appear, such as the performance of compressor, turbine and the whole engine will be affected. 热量从燃机高温端(主要是透平)传入低温端(主要是压气机),会带来一系列的副作用,包括压气机、透平乃至燃机整体性能都会受到影响。
The factors were observed which including the temperature of feed, the flow rate of the feed, the vacuum degree of cold side and the concentration of feed. And the pollution and cleaning of membrane were studied preliminarily. 探讨了进料温度、进料流量、进料浓度和冷侧真空度等因素对膜通量的影响,并初步研究了膜污染及膜清洗的情况,为真空膜蒸馏的工业化应用提供技术支撑。
The cooling tower serves as the cold side equipment in an air conditioning system; it carries away the condensation heat mainly through the circulation of cooling water. 冷却塔作为空调系统的冷端设备,主要通过冷却水的循环,将制冷机组的冷凝热排走。
A larger temperature difference can be obtained by increasing the cold and hot fluid rate and strengthening the heat transfer within the cold and hot side heat exchanger, thus the generator get better performance. 增加冷、热流体的流速,强化温差电组件冷端和热端换热器内热量的传递,均可获得更大的温差,发电器因而获得更好的性能。
Degree of fault in modern tort law amended its cold side of the victims, but their joint and several liability on tort law, the effectiveness of exemption clauses and the insurance payments are irreplaceable value. 在现代侵权法上,过错程度不仅修正了冷漠受害人的一面,而且对连带责任、免责条款效力及对保险金支付都有不可替代的价值。
With high working voltage and heat source temperature, the needed time of the device to accumulate heat is much shorter. The increased working voltage can enlarge the temperature difference between the hot and cold side of semiconductor chip, and then reduce the heat coefficient. 在工作电压较高,余热热源温度较高的情况下,该装置蓄热所需时间较短;加大工作电压会导致半导体芯片冷热端温差变大从而降低该装置的制热系数。
The variance of orthogonal test shows that cold side vacuum and membrane loading component density are the main factors that influence the membrane flux in the VMD process, and the temperature, density and flow speed are the secondary factors. 通过正交试验方差分析,得出冷侧真空度、膜组件装填密度是影响VMD过程膜通量的主要因素,热侧料液温度、浓度、流速是次要因素。